Friday 28 March 2008

III BA English - Assignment Marks

Dear Students of III BA English,
Your Assignment marks for the Paper 'New Writing,' for those of you who come under my purview, are given below.
Your Assignments can be collected from the Department before Monday, 31 March.
Clarifications, if any, can be made to me at the earliest possible time.

1. Angelin - 74
2. Chaithanya - 76
3. Jemima - 76
4. Mispa - 75
5. Rita - 72
6. Alexander - 68
7. Ashish - 70
8. Kunga - 70
PS.:If you're marks are not up here, it means either you don't come under my purview, or you haven't submitted your Assignment.Clarifications if any, can be made before Monday, 31 March.

Regards, Rufus

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