All eyes were ardently attentive to Dr. Jesudoss Manalan, Librarian, Bishop Heber, who gave a motivating talk on the topic, ‘Love for Books and Developing One’s Reading Habit.’
Excerpts from his motivating talk –
'Reading is for the mind, as exercise is to the body.'
I’ve never regretted the fact that I became a
Whenever we get letters of compliments from our past
students we feel delighted and happy. It gives me a sense of accomplishment.

We as Librarians, play a noble role in helping
individuals to grow.
At Bishop Heber, we have more than 10, 000 students.
Yesterday, (04 October 2017), 1170 students visited the library. They just have
to swipe their card, and their entry is clocked. I am not worried about the
1170 students who checked in, yesterday. What about the remaining 8900
students? What about their reading habits? That’s the challenge! To bring the
student to the library.
It’s a process! It’s a learning process! It’s a mental
It improves your power of concentration, refreshes your
mind, sharpens your intellect, improves your spelling, strengthens creativity,
promotes fluency, increases your imagination, stimulates intellectual thoughts,
helps academic achievements, etc.
A good reader is therefore a good learner.
Habit, is when you do something over and over again.
Let reading become a daily habit for you – a routine behavior.
Schools & Colleges
Are places that have a great responsibility in
promoting reading habits amongst youngsters.
So create a conducive atmosphere for yourself right at
your home/hostel/workplace to read books.
I tell students, ‘Please pay at least a casual visit to
the library. You need not sit and read! Just pay a visit! There might be some
serious learners, who might inspire you to read!’
Step 1: Pick up a book with less number of pages.Step 2: read non-stop for fifteen minutes a day.Step 3: Avoid distraction while reading.
Step 4: When you finish a book, reward yourself with a new book.
Dr. Manalan signed off with a wonderful thought: ‘A Reader
Today! A Leader Tomorrow!
Dr. Dinakarlal, spoke on the topic, ‘Vision for a Great
He started off, saying, ‘Who am I will be decided in
five years’ time from now, based on the books I read!’
Some people always find topics for criticizing others.
Even when they go to heaven, they will ask for the complaints book, first thing!
Your thinking decides who you are! Thinking positively
makes you strong, vibrant, innovative and energetic. On the other hand,
negative thinking results in worry, fear, blame, gossip, jealousy, etc.
You can always be a winner if you have the determination.
For this to happen, you should just do one thing -
Ignore discouraging comments!
Change your stumbling stones into stepping stones! Only
if you fight against all odds, you can emerge a winner.
He recollected his College Librarian Mr. David, who had
taught him the right way to flip the pages of a book. Quoting Milton, he said, ‘A
Good book is the precious life blood of a master spirit’. His librarian had
also taught him the art of handling a book: ‘It should be handled with utmost
care. There’s a way to hold the book. Never write with pencil or pen on the
library book. Just fall in love with the books’.
Quoting yet another famous Professor Mr. Karunakaran
Nair from the Institute of English, Kerala University, Dr. Dinakarlal observed,
‘Whenever a new book arrived, he will make it a point to read it completely. It
was not only in his mind but also in his heart!’
He used to tell me, ‘Dinakar, till noon, don’t talk to anyone.’
Then at 12 noon sharp, he would take us to the canteen. There he will ask us, ‘Did
you read this book?’
That’s how we grew up on books which remains our great source
of vigor and sustenance even today!
To be contd…
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