Saturday 2 July 2011

Score Card - Newspaper Quiz

Today, continued with the first poem by Nissim Ezekiel, where he takes it out on the interesting array of Indian English varieties. 
Then, the first of the Group Competitions for the Part II English took off to a slow but steady start, on Friday, 01 July, with the Pbt gentleman bagging the honours on the first day's Newspaper Quiz. On majority vote, it was agreed that The Hindu will be the official class newspaper.
The Zoology gentlemen were not far behind. Of course, with a neck-to-neck tie, Pbt clinched it only in the last round.
The Scores:
Zoology GM - 38
Zoology LD - 10
Pb&Pbt GM - 58
Pb&Pbt LD - Nil
The next class will feature a round on Spell Bees. So gear up, and the losers cheer up.. cos the best is yet to come..!
Class Teacher

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