Thursday 17 November 2016

Conference on Transgenders @ Gandhigram

The Gandhigram Rural Institute, Dindigul, is organising a conference on “Literature of the Transgenders” on 30, 31 January 2016.

The conference aims at foregrounding the literatures of the transgenders that is emerging in recent times. The need to acknowledge the emerging gamut of writing from transgenders both by the academia and by the society becomes inevitable as the texts reflect the most vulnerable segments of the society. This has led us to contemplate on the need for the conduct of this seminar. The immediacy of the issue and the radical articulation of the transgenders did encourage the organisers to call for this seminar.

Crucially, what the organisers found most pressing was the western thought of bringing into one umbrella the issues of transgenders along with the Lesbian, Gay and Bi-sexual. This co- mingling of varied spheres needs addressing, while the Lesbian, Gay and Bi-sexual is an orientation in their behaviour due to various reasons, the Transgenders have a greater need to be seen differently as it is not their sexual orientation that demands attention but the lack of choice in their being transgenders that is most important.

Hence this seminar aims at called for focused discussions and academic and activist interactions along with writers to enable the academia, the student community and the society to reorient themselves positively towards the transgenders.

For the brochure click HERE
Concept Note HERE

and the Registration Form HERE

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