Saturday 6 April 2019

In everyone and in everything there is good!

If you have good thoughts it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.

The Twits, Roald Dahl

A lovely, descriptive and witty children’s classic by Roald Dahl, this book also sports some wonderful child-centric illustrations!

There’s a harmonious interconnect that exists between humans, plants and animals, in this 1979 children’s comic! While Mr Twit and Mrs Twit are known for their evil nature and menacing ways, committing cruelty against plants and animals, there is another good-natured group in the likes of Muggle-Wump, his wife and his children who find means and ways to set free the birds and animals.

Quite interestingly Jidduji also exemplifies the same thoughts, way way back, in his wonderful 1911 read titled, At the Feet of the Master, written when he was just 14 years old!

Some snippets for us all, from Jidduji that sync to a tee with Dahl’s and beyond!

Hold back your mind from pride, for pride comes only from ignorance. The man who does not know thinks that he is great, that he has done this or that great thing.

Of all the Qualifications, Love is the most important, for if it is strong enough in a man, it forces him to acquire all the rest, and all the rest without it would never be sufficient.

In daily life this means two things; first, that you shall be careful to do no hurt to any living thing; second, that you shall always be watching for an opportunity to help.

First, to do no hurt. Three sins there are which work more harm than all else in the world — gossip, cruelty, and superstition — because they are sins against love.

See what gossip does. It begins with evil thought, and that in itself is a crime. For in everyone and in everything there is good; in everyone and in everything there is evil.

These three great crimes you must avoid, for they are fatal to all progress, because they sin against love. But not only must you thus refrain from evil; you must be active in doing good.

You must be so filled with the intense desire of service that you are ever on the watch to render it to all around you — not to man alone, but even to animals and plants.

What ennobling thoughts from Jidduji!

So why wait? Let’s do the good to others, careful not to hurt any living thing, and always be watching for an opportunity to help. As good thoughts coupled with good actions it will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely!

Image: libguidesdotmontevallodotedu 

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