Tuesday 25 June 2024

‘Sir, do we have a holiday on Monday?’ 😊

In Class’ Fun! 😊


25th June 1998

(This day, 26 years ago, from my personal diaries)

I was doing my II year BA English this particular year. Motivated by my beloved Librarian Dr. Manalan, I had just then started writing regularly for the Indian Express and The Hindu.

Well, back then, newspapers accepted our articles only if they were typed out in those good ol’ Remington typewriters of yore! 😊

My Head of the Department Dr. Natarajan was my real motivation. I used to write an article, and immediately take it to him for his expert opinions and corrections, and he used to patiently advise me on structuring my article in a graded way!

This was one such day, when I had typed out an article (with carbon copy) for Rupees Three, and posted it to The Indian Express (postage Rupees Two).

Coming back,

Today in Class, something interesting happened. Since our Professor Cruz finished his class five minutes earlier, he gave us time for an interaction. He then told us,

‘Whatever you want, you can ask me!’.

I grabbed the opportunity and promptly asked him,

‘Sir, do we have a holiday on Monday?’ 😊

Only hostelers know the importance of holidays you see! 😉

He gently replied with a smile, ‘Yes, it’s a holiday, because of accreditation day for Colleges’.

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