Thursday 12 September 2024

VISA Meet with Dr. Ramesh Raja, Alumnus

VISA Meet | 12th September 2024 | A Report

Mr. Ramesh Raja | Singapore

[BA & MA Tamil in MCC]

Dear All,

Thank you for participating in today’s VISA – ‘Virtual Interaction with Scholars Abroad’ Episode # 7.

Mr. Ramesh Raja who did his BA and MA in Tamil with us in MCC, spoke on his teaching experience in Singapore.

‘Singapore is a land of safety and security, and it’s a jewel from heaven come down, said Mr. Ramesh Raja’, elaborating on life in Singapore.

‘There are no recommendations for any postings in Singapore. According to your talent, you will be absorbed in any sector’, said Ramesh.

‘There’s a lot of demand for teachers in Singapore, but a B.Ed Degree is mandatory to get into school teaching’, he said.

On Higher Education in Singapore, he said that, ‘Singapore gives the provision for students to work part-time while doing their degree programme. Five Singapore Universities are among the top #100 in World Rankings, he observed, and added that, there is a great demand for good Professors in Universities there. No kind of recommendation works in Singapore, as merit is valued there’, he said.

‘As regards applying for your PhD programme, the only criteria they expect from you is to clearly outline the objectives of your research. This can get you even scholarships and stipends’, he added.

‘After your Degree, doing a technical course / Value-added course / Diploma Course helps in enhancing job prospects in Singapore’, he said.

Ramesh also said that he would help students of MCC to contact the right person, as regards their higher studies or placements, if they get in touch with him. (He has also given his email id and contact no).

Mr. Sabarinathan did the MC, and Mr. Abraham read out the College Prayer. Dr. Paul Prabhu Santharaj, Head, Dept of Tamil, welcomed the gathering. Dr. Sebulon Prabu Durai introduced the speaker of the day and coordinated the Q & A.

We shall meet again next week, on Wednesday, 18th September 2024, on our next edition of VISA.

Thank you.

Office of the Dean of International Programmes


Wednesday 11 September 2024

Study Abroad Seminar on Higher Education in Japan: A Report

Study Abroad Seminar | Higher Education in Japan

11th September 2024 | A REPORT

Dear All,

Thank you for participating in today’s lively and highly engaging Study Abroad Seminar on Opportunities for Higher Studies, Internships and Scholarships in Japan.

Dr. Robinson, Head, Department of Mathematics was the Resource Person. He kept the students engaged right from start to finish.

Interestingly he spoke to a few in the audience in good Japanese, and they responded with equal enthusiasm.

Dr. Robinson started off by giving an overview of the Structure of the Education System in Japan, and then proceeded to elaborate on Higher Education in Japan.

He outlined all the famous Universities in Japan, right from

Hiroshima University,

Akita International University,

Hokkaido University,

Chiba University,

Keio University,

Kyoto University,

International Christian University,

Kyushu University,

International University of Japan,

Nagoya University,

Kanazawa University,

Osaka University,

Kumamoto University,

Tohoku University,

Kwansei Gakuin University,

Tokyo Institute of Technology,

Kyoto Institute of Technology,

Waseda University,

Osaka University,

University of Tokyo,

University of Tsukuba,

Rikkyo University,

Risumeikan Asia Pacific University,

Soka University,

Sophia University,

Tokyo University of Foreign Studies,

Tokyo University of the Arts,

Global Toyo University,

University  of Aizu

Which includes the top Universities preferred for MEXT Scholarships.

Dr. Robinson then elaborated on the Japan Society for Promotion of Science and the

1. Ronpaku PhD Programme

2. Post-doctoral fellowships (Short term/Long term)

3. Invitational Fellowships (Short term/Long term)

4. Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI)

Then Dr. Robinson proceeded to outline the seven steps to study in Japan, and highlighted the EJU – Examination for Japanese University of Admission for International Students.

He also gave a few insightful guidebooks on -

Scholarship for International Students in Japan, 2024

International Students Guidebook

The Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT)

List of Scholarships for Privately-financed International Students, etc.

Many students asked their genuine queries and had them addressed by Dr. T. Robinson.

It was a memorable session that took us all into a beautiful educational and cultural tour of Japan.

On behalf of the Office of the Dean of International Programmes, we sincerely thank Dr. T. Robinson for spending his valuable time and for sharing the valuable information on Higher Education in Japan.

Ms. Ganga did the MC and introduced the speaker.

Mr. Sabarinathan did the opening prayer and the Q&A coordination.

Ms. Smrithi presented the memento to the Resource Person and also proposed the Vote of Thanks.

Wednesday 4 September 2024

Before I joined MCC, I was told that, “The Campus Experience in MCC is worth dying for!” ❤️

Today's VISA | With our alumna Ms. Priya Darshini, Ireland

7 pm | A Report

Ms. Priya Dharshini, currently doing her PhD in Ireland, gave a very highly engaging talk in such a clear and lucid manner with such enthusiasm and energy, on Google Meet, at 7 pm IST, today. Her talk appealed much to all our students who listened with rapt attention to Ms. Priya.

Excerpts from her Talk -

Before I joined MCC, I was told that, “The Campus Experience in MCC is worth dying for!”

This was the real impetus that made me join MCC. I went on to do my BSc & MSc in Chemistry in MCC.

In my five years in MCC I had attended 11 conferences, and participated in various other events like Speak for India programmes, a host of culturals and other competitions! 

My participation in events pertaining to other disciplines, helped me realise the breadth of knowledge in Chemistry and in other related disciplines, since I got to interact with people with niche in their particular fields of study. This interaction helped me realise the value of how much the world had to offer.

Volunteering experience helped me a lot! We used to teach tribal kids, as part of our Service Learning Programme, which gave me a great love for teaching.

I was interested in Chemistry, and I was more interested in the process of Chemistry. A different method of teaching Chemistry would be helpful to teach these tribal kids, I thought.

Most of my time, I did volunteering services, like scribing! etc.

By Masters, you would have definitely done a Research Internship.

But then, I also did an Industrial Internship.

Then I had a Micro Project.

I loved learning, and during my tenure in MCC I had the exposure to show my love for learning.

Like Astronomical Chemistry – wherein we learn about all the spectroscopic instruments through astronomy.

Seeing my syllabus in a different angle, and communicating it from a different angle, helped me showcase my talent in the Dept of Chemistry.

I have got ten certificate courses, from NPTEL, Course Era, etc.

Having a lot of certificates helps a lot in your academic life.

Even though I might have a skill, when I want to showcase it to someone abroad, I need certificates to authenticate my credentials.

When you apply, your professors will ask you if you have proof!

If you’re half good in a subject, go and get a certificate in it.

Whenever I come across a new term, or a new review, I used to read about it. There was a lot of time for me to read! And when I read deeply, I find out the patterns. That made me realise that, there was more to publications and research articles, than mere data. There’s a pattern to it. If you’re able to organize your ideas in a pattern, then you’ll be able to publish articles easily.

DO research in a field you’re passionate about, and quoting a highly inspiring Scripture passage, she said,

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work or device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going”,

signed off Priya Dharshini.

In his concluding remarks, Dr. Vijay Solomon, her Professor, complimenting her, had this to say –

“If you have a research publication at your UG or PG level, it speaks volumes about your character and gives you all the more weightage, which makes us so proud of Priya Dharshini”, said Dr. Vijay.

Minutes of the VISA Meet Today

[by Ms. Lakshmi Ramaswami, Global Student Ambassador]

Minutes of the Meeting

Virtual Interaction with Students Abroad (VISA) Episode 6

Speaker: Ms. Priya Darshini Augusthian

(BSc and MSc in Chemistry, Madras Christian College

Currently working on PhD in Dublin City University, Ireland)

College Prayer given by Sabarinathan

1. Introduction of speaker given by Dr. Vijay Solomon from the Department of Chemistry

2. Ms. Priya Darshini Augusthian’s talk

* Huge shift from BSc and MSc in MCC to being sponsored by the Irish Research Council’s Enterprise Partnership Scheme

* Most of the parts of an application are things one must have done prior to applying (work experience, previous research achievements, etc)

* Create a strong CV -> Find a Mentor -> Apply for scholarships - Gaining a lot of experiences result in a particular set of skills than further translate into an organised Resume.

* Ms. Priya’s most important parts of college experience (in MCC) includes attending conferences and intercollegiate events (11 certified), Volunteering and Internships (Ms. Priya worked through the service learning program at the Chemistry department and was able to teach Tribal children)

* Emphasis on the fact that she enjoys the process of learning chemistry than she enjoys Chemistry itself.

* Suggested having an internship (not only research oriented, but also industrial) by PG level

* Authorised and validated certificates from any internship or courses help in the application’s shortlisting process.

* Personally encouraged getting a certificate if you’re already “half good” in a subject. This way you become fully good in it, all the while procuring a certificate, which is a win-win

* To find a mentor - read, read and read different works, find one that you like. Mail them personally. Personalise the mail with details from their paper that you enjoyed. This makes it clear that you know what you are talking about.

* Apart from scientific writing skills, communication skills are also important when it comes to publishing papers. Laymen must understand your work at least a little before it goes to the professionals of your field 

* While in college, do these things - Gather Experiences, Grow Skills, and Expand Abilities

* College is a great place you can afford to make mistakes in, get back up, and learn from them.

* “Hindsight is easy, looking forward is not”

* “Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with your might; for there is no work nor device or knowledge or wisdom in the grave where you are going” - Ecclesiastes 9:10 (NKJV)

3.  Question and Answer session

To clear further doubts please contact Ms. Priya Darshini through her email:

4. Vote of Thanks by Dr. Samuel Rufus

For the Past Episodes of VISA, you may CLICK HERE.