Saturday 9 June 2007

Group Discussion held on Saturday - Excerpts

Leader: Thank you dear friends, for electing me as your leader. Now, the topic before us is : Can we, as a Nation, become a Super Power by the year 2020, in the present circumstances. Now, confident that you have all understood the topic, I throw the forum open for discussion.

Number 7 (Mr. Murali): We are well developed in many aspects, but the proposition that we can achieve super power status by 2020 is a bit doubtful and I have my own skepticism on that issue. 1 min.

Number 15 (Mr.Vinodh): What exactly makes us super powers? Is it determined based on the GDP etc. Let us first come to an agreement on that point. 40 sec

Number 14 (Mr.Sakthivel): I appreciate the point just made by Mr.Vinodh. We should channelize each and every area of importance, especially Education, Agriculture, Military, Space travel and research etc. Young minds need to be ignited and motivated in this regard. 1.15 sec

Number 3 ( Mr.Partiban): I agree with what the last speaker said just now. Yeah, India will become a super power for sure because of our huge man power resources. At the same time we should note that we are lagging behind in terms of Health, Infrastructure, compared to China. As Dr. Kalam rightly said, every individual youth has a major role to play in the scheme of things. If we, as a nation, give due importance to Economic Growth, Non violence etc, we can achieve it with ease. 2.10 sec

Number 8: Certainly right. Youngsters have a major role to play. They should have the vision in their mind, and more importantly, they have to shine in their respective fields. 1 min.

LEADER: We should be proud that almost 68 to 70% of the population in our country is the youth. In this regard, we lead from the front compared to any other country. If we control violence and motivate the youngsters, I strongly feel that this proposition will become a sure possibility.

Number 7 (Mr.Murali): I personally feel that quality matters more than quantity. With 70% of the youth, we should have been able to deliver good products.

Number 3 (Parthiban): That’s what our former speaker was trying to say and you’ve said it.

LEADER: Our growth rate is indeed quite high. What the United States has achieved in 300 years, we have been able to achieve in 60 years. China, according to me, is our only competitor.

Number 14 ( Mr. Sakthivel): I would like to quote a famous person called JF Kennedy whop once said, “Ask not what the country has done for you, but ask what you have done for the country.” How can potential be developed? What we need at the moment is good guidance. Look at the alarming increase in KPOs and BPOs. There seems to be a sudden boom on the Industry front, but we are not able to manage this sudden uprising because we have not geared ourselves for it. As much as 65 per cent of our population still thrive on Agriculture. There are a lot of burning problems in the guise of SEZs and Industrialisation.

We need to bring policies, suggestions, ideas, and proper coordination. Take for example the Educational reforms bill. It is as old as 1986 and never revised or updated. We need to concentrate on resources like Oil and Energy. We should also give importance to the Defence Establishment (Military).

Number 7 (Mr. Murali): Mr.Sakthivel, my question is that, a country like Singapore doesn’t have a good army, yet it is a super power. What do you say to that?

LEADER: Excuse me, we are deviating from the main agenda to Military establishments. Can we stick to the main issue, please…

Number 14 (Mr.Sakthivel):
Russia has achived enormous power just because of its military.

LEADER: Super power means it includes all spheres and not necessarily the Defence Establishment alone.

Number 15 (Vinodh): The defence establishment depends on a strong Economy. Today, the Services, Manufacturing etc are doing very good. We just have to give real thrust on Agriculture, Basic health care, Basic Education etc. We need to concentrate more on the concept of Knowledge Economy.

Number 5: Most villages have no proper infrastructure or electricity. Then how come India can develop into a super power?

Number 3: I request the leader to ask everyone to speak out and contribute.

LEADER: Please, I request all of you to contribute to the group discussion.

Number 17: Globalisation has resulted in a large number of MNCs coming over to India due to privatization. The govt sectors do not match with the private sectors in the level of growth.

Number 16: India has all the potential but what about Brain Drain? Don’t you all think that it is eroding the intelligence unit of the country?

Number 15: In the year 1991, we had to mortgage to get foreign exchange, so in one way Brain Drain is good.

Number 6: Why cant these people work for our companies instead of working for foreign companies?

Number 3: It is not Brain Drain, it’s actually Brain Gain, cos we tend to get a lot of power as result of brain drain. We spread all over the world to gain power for ourselves.

Number 6: But why cant they work for us? Are there any specific reasons for it?

Number 14: in the 94th Science Congress held in Chidambaram recently, our PM Dr. Manmohan Singh said that people go abroad as there is no standard in Higher Education in India, and everything is cut, copy, paste etc.,

Number 3: Yes, but at the same time, people come back and invest in India, like the CEO of IBM.

Number 15: The concept of reverse brain drain is the need of the hour. The government has the responsibility to tap the potential of these intellectuals. There are a lot of Socio/ Economic Indicators to be taken into consideration here. Unless we improve our HDE, Sanitation, Health Care, we cannot gain super power status.

Number 14: Do you think, in a set up where there is a lot of domination by regional parties, this is feasible at all?

Number 15: Yes, but the Centre doesn’t have the political mandate though it has able people in its portfolios. For this, political will is necessary.

LEADER; Excuse me, I’m just waiting for comments from those who didn’t say any thing.

Number 11: there is a lot of comparison being made between India and other countries on the Economy and the military front. Only when this comparison is stopped, India will become a super power. It vouches to the fact that we are good in discussions, but never good at implementations.

Number 5: But we do need a lot of criticisms from all fronts in order to improve, and in this respect, comparisons do us a world of good.

LEADER: Comparison is ok to an extent, when it does not get to alarming proportions.

Number 14: Consider China, why does it bag a lot of medals? Mainly because of early childhood training, and a focus right from the beginning to achieve. Proper training, and proper goals without diverting, is very important.

Number 7: We have become slaves to foreign investors in India, like what we were fifty years ago, by working for them. We should generate employers more.

Number 15: I slightly disagree with you on that point. Because, when TATA bought Corus Steels, we became employers and England became employees. It’s actually these people who’ve bought out latent talent. From 1947, till now it was a mere 3 per cent, but now we are aiming at a double digit growth rate.

Number 6: In today’s scenario, the rich have become richer and the poor become poorer mainly because of the adverse effects of Globalisation.

Number 15: In the present context, everything else can wait but not agriculture. Cos it’s the backbone of the Indian Economy.

Number 14: Could you please give us a few tips on improving the standard of Agriculture in our country?

Number 15: We need to do a tightrope walk so that the interests of the Agriculture Sector is dealt with properly. Farm Loans, Credits, Subsidies should continue, and farmers’ suicide should be prevented by taking a lot of beneficial measures for the Agriculture Sector.

Number 14: We almost left out on an important point, that is, water. They say that the Fourth World War will be fought for Water.

Number 3: I think we are diverting from the main topic of the day.

LEADER: Australia is on edge of attaining super power status, but they’re drinking recycled water.

Number 16: But take the case of Japan, which has no water, but it has increased in terms of the super power status.

LEADER: We should utilize our water to benefit our farmers.

Number 14: In India, we have the Northern and the Southern Peninsulas. While the Northern Peninsula has sustained water capacities, every January, we suffer and fight for water. I feel that the inter-linking of rivers is very essential for better agriculture.

Number 3: How do you think we can eradicate the conflicts between states?

LEADER: Every state should say “We are Indian”. Patriotism to the nation should eclipse all other loyalties. I also request my non-talkers to cooperate by participating in the proceedings.

To continue…

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