Wednesday 4 July 2007

"One Indian = 10 Japanese BUT One Japanese Team = 10 Indian Teams...! ? A Review of the WORKSHOP held on Saturday (30 June) at Slyr Hall

Our FREE WEEKLY WORKSHOP on English for EMPOWERMENT got off to a flying start this last Saturday, with some melodious songs of Bryan Adams et al. Then, had a session of games and newspaper reading, and a memory challenge, with a tea break in between. Accent practice was done with a few model sentences.

In the part where five guys were asked to 'act' the LEADER and present themselves to the audience, giving a short one minute intoductory speech, all the five did it quite confidently, with aplomb. Diffidence was miles away for them.

In the interesting and absorbing lecture on HR by Prof.Vendan, he started off by asking the gathering, on what they thought was the most difficult task in the world?

"It's Social Work sir," prompt came the reply from a Literature student of the First year. Three others too gave the same answer. While John said "Commitment and Smartness" are quite difficult, Vinod said that "Integrating and Coordinating a team" are the most difficult tasks. For Sakthivel it was Understanding and Coordinating that were most difficult tasks. Another student said that "Making others happy" is difficult. Selva Benz said that "Being a Leader" was quite difficult. Muthu Kumar said that getting recognition from anybody is very difficult.

We've got the technology to reach the moon but yet we find it difficult to reach our neighbour, both at the family level and at the professional level. The most difficult task in this world is Understanding Human Relationships, according to the Speaker.

He defined HR as, Getting the Right person
For the Right job
At the Right time
In the Right environment.

which ultimately results in Organisational Performance.

If I gave Rs.100 to you will you be happy? For sometime, yes. But then the desire keeps coming up. There's no end for desires. When you go on foot, you see a fellow going by a bicycle. You go by bicycle and you see a guy going in RX. So the mind is never satiated.

To bring out the optimum performance in an employee, you need a right attitude.

The same person behaves differently in diferent situations.

But more important is Understanding Oneself (SELF AWARENESS)

He put forward the SWOT analysis for understanding one's own skills.

One Indian = 10 Japanese
One Japanese Team = 10 Indian Teams.

Working in a team is not that easy.
Cos the moment you have a team, there's a conflict. Conflicts are good as they help us to improve. Conflicts arise because of differences of opinions. The Japanese auto giants including Kawasaki and Honda rule the roost today cos they advocate and practice the "bottom to top" approach. While the Western approach (GM/BMW) is that of Top to Bottom.."

Marketing, R&D, Sales - getting the right people for these departments is HR.
THE NEXT DECADE will be dominated by a Communication Revolution. Companies today look out for Attitude in employees and give 85% priority to this aspect.

Getting a job is easy, but getting the right job is difficult.(To be continued...)

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