Time to cut a log with a dull saw - 30 minutes
Time to sharpen the saw - 5 minutes
Time to cut the log with a sharp saw - 10 minutes
You just saved yourself fifteen minutes! You've never cut a log?
How does this apply to you?
Time left until your deadline - 5 hours
Time to Sharpen the Saw, refocus and ready to go - 30 minutes
Time it takes to finish the project when you're refreshed - 4 hours
You just saved yourself thirty minutes.
That's how it applies to you.
Time to sharpen the saw - 5 minutes
Time to cut the log with a sharp saw - 10 minutes
You just saved yourself fifteen minutes! You've never cut a log?
How does this apply to you?
Time left until your deadline - 5 hours
Time to Sharpen the Saw, refocus and ready to go - 30 minutes
Time it takes to finish the project when you're refreshed - 4 hours
You just saved yourself thirty minutes.
That's how it applies to you.
Sharpen the saw is about balanced renewal in all four dimensions of human need: physical, spiritual, mental and social/emotional. As you renew yourself in each of the four areas, you create growth and change in your life. You increase your capacity to produce and handle the challenges around you. All it takes is desire, knowledge, and skill.
Have a checklist for all the four dimensions.
Mental Checklist:
[Check only the items to which you can truthfully answer Yes.]
- I read books and other publications regularly.
- I keep a journal or some sort of log, or engage in a regular writing process.
- I allow music, silence, or some sort of relaxation exercise to clear my mind on a daily basis.
- I challenge my mind through puzzles, problem solving, or games.
- I have a hobby.
- I continue my education either formally or informally.
- I engage in meaningful dialogue at least once a week.
- I visualize projects and plans so I have the end result in mind to guide the process.
- I have a system to retrieve information when I need it.
- I use a system to plan and organize my time and efforts.
Mental Checklist:
[Check only the items to which you can truthfully answer Yes.]
- I read books and other publications regularly.
- I keep a journal or some sort of log, or engage in a regular writing process.
- I allow music, silence, or some sort of relaxation exercise to clear my mind on a daily basis.
- I challenge my mind through puzzles, problem solving, or games.
- I have a hobby.
- I continue my education either formally or informally.
- I engage in meaningful dialogue at least once a week.
- I visualize projects and plans so I have the end result in mind to guide the process.
- I have a system to retrieve information when I need it.
- I use a system to plan and organize my time and efforts.
These are only steps towards your personal renewal plan. Now, take some time to think about the following questions.
1. If you could choose five things to do that would nourish your soul, what would they be?
2. What is cluttering your life now?
3. What keeps you awake at night?
4. What are you doing so that your family remembers you?
5. What do you want to do more of?
6. Is there something you've always been curious about? What is it?
7. Is there a hobby or craft you'd like to take up? Which ones?
8. Do you have a quiet, safe place to retreat to?
9. Do you surround yourself with sincerely supportive people?
Indeed, people are living, breathing organisms. You would not leave a plant or animal uncared for over a long period of time. Internal human needs require just as much constant attention as external, physical needs. Try assessing your success and progress now.
If you're really brave, try asking for feedback. Check your progress from the perspective of those with whom you relate.
1. Schedule some downtime every day: Write a journal or take a quiet bath before bed.
2. Leave the TV off at least one night a week: You'll be surprised at the extra time you have. Leaving it off may even become a habit!
3. Don't be a slave to the phone: Keep it far away from you, unless it is on very important business.
4. Have a clean-up bin: Pick up clutter and put it in a sort-through-later bin. A clean room can make your surroundings more peaceful.
[Grateful acknowledgements to: Stephen R.Covey]
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