Friday 21 January 2011

"Ludic" on a Roll...

"To Kill a Mocking Bird" in progress at the Gallery Classroom [S-220] today.

Ludic, the Film Appreciation Club of The English Association, [TEA-MCC], took off to a flying start today, with the screening of "To Kill A Mocking Bird". 

More than a hundred students turned up for the maiden screening of LUDIC, which took place in S-220, in the Science Block. 

Dr. Ganesh, initially presented the students with the aim and scope of LUDIC, and also announced a prize money for students who came up with the best critique of the film, after watching it. 

About the Book Version 

To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the best-loved and most memorable of stories in world literature. 

Regarded as the quintessential American novel, the book unveils human nature in all its complexity! A book that almost everyone reads at some point in their lives! 

The most interesting aspect of this novel is that the whole story, is narrated by a child – an eight-year old’s perspective! [something akin to Bapsi Sidhwa’s Ice-Candy Man, a novel that speaks about the horrors of Partition, narrated in the first-person by Lenny, a Parsee child who is four years old, and turns ten by the time the novel ends]. 

The novel carries a poignant message that is so relevant even today – haunting, impacting and reverberating in our minds and hearts, even after the last line of the last chapter is done! 

Pic: This blogger.

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