Sunday 6 September 2015

Now, avail special student discount price: Rs.1200/- only, for groups of three or more.
Session 1: (2 hrs)
Story Narrative as a Process
Introduction to Narratology
Narrative Cues: Role of Narrative Cues and Audience Perception
Why is it important for a screen writer to be aware of the process?
Story Design

Session 2: (3 hrs)
Anatomy of a Screenplay
Scene, Sequence, Set-piece
Understanding Theme
Identifying your story’s theme
Screenplay  Structures:
It’s all about the structure
Introduction to Classic Screenplay Structures

Act Structure
Part Structure
Hero’s journey, structure in main-stream so-called commercial movies in Tamil, etc.
Constructing a Scene: Importance of, and creating dramatic Tension in scenes.

Session 3: (1.5 hrs)
Screenplay formatting
1.       Descriptions, definitions and usage of various terms
2.       Character names, Scene headings, Montage, series of shots, camera directions, parenthesis, Intercut with, voice over, action lines, etc.
3.       Commonly made mistakes.

Session 4: (1 hr)
Introduction to some time-tested narrative strategies.
Three Cs of mainstream story-telling & other hacks for first timers.
How to approach short-film scripts.
Beyond the Workshop.
Studying/Analysing Films.
Finding Inspiration.
Write your own screenplay and other exercises.

Organiser: Lakshmi Parkavi
Venue: @4/10, Mayor Chitti Babu Street, Spur Tank Road, Chetpet, Chennai – 31. 

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