Thursday 11 May 2023

Art is the Absence of 'Me' ❤️

Musings on Krishnamurti | ❤️

On His Birthday Today

How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.

- Anne Frank, The Diary of a Young Girl

In sharp contrast to her mother Mrs. Edith Frank who has the ‘default’ tendency of focusing only on the negative shades and aspects there are, to life and living, ‘taking care’ to always look only at the ignominies and the atrocities surrounding them all, Anne is so perceptive to the love and beauty that radiates around her, all of the time!

Who could ever forget those immortal, awe-inspiring, impactful lines of Anne that have such a philosophical-ethereal import to their words -

‘I’ve found that there is always some beauty left - in nature, in sunshine, in freedom, in yourself; these can all help you.’

Yes! There is always some beauty left!

What a lovely attitude to life! To see only the good in others! 😊

Jidduji (J Krishnamurti) has an equally beautiful connect on this aspect!

To him, the ‘me’ in us, or the ‘I’ in us is the real reason that prevents us from looking at the good in things and people around us.

We are so mired in our own ‘self’ value, that we forget to see and to enjoy the beauty around us, all of the time, thus losing out on the real aura and meaning of life and living!

Jidduji speaks -

The man who plays the violin with artistry and keeps his eye on his fame isn't interested in the violin, he is only exploiting it to be famous, the “me” is far more important than the music, and so it is with the writer or the painter with an eye on fame.

Without love there is no art. When the artist is playing beautifully there is no “me;” there is only love and beauty, and this is art. 

This is skill in action. Skill in action is the absence of the “me”.  

Art is the absence of the “me”.

What beautiful thoughts from great legends of the past! How much they shape our present and pave our future sensibilities!

Yesss! Shall we take a resolve today, rightaway at that, to always see the good in others, avoid talking ill of others, put a gigantic gag on the gupshup and the gossip, and celebrate the violinist and the artist in us all! 😊

PS: You my want to read more on J. Krishnamurti on our past blog post HERE

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