Wednesday, 1 January 2020

'when some small act of kindness sets off a chain of events'

love in lowercase | the inspiration continues...

This is in continuation of our past post on love in lowercase by francesc miralles, translated into English by Julie Wark!

Well, love in lowercase has some interesting life quotes! Some of them are real invigorating to the core!

It’s about how the little things in your life can make a huge difference to your perspective and attitude!

To this end, as expected, the Butterfly effect is at work in this lovely read as well!

There’s this instance where Samuel says, 

The fluttering of a butterfly’s wings can cause a cataclysm on the other side of the world. A hurricane was now roaring in to blow down the façade behind which I’d confined my life. There is no weatherman who can forecast this kind of cyclone.

And later towards the end of the book he opines, 

'It’s when some small act of kindness sets off a chain of events that comes around again in the form of multiplied love.'

Indeed, the little cat in lowercase could make such a huge difference to Samuel and his entire new year! The cat in fact, makes him interact with people outside of his little world!

Where was this chain of cause and effect taking me? What about the moon? What was the moon doing in all of this?

There seemed to be a direct correlation between my opening up to the outside world—Mishima, Titus, and Valdemar, without forgetting my sister and her husband—and Gabriela’s triple appearance.

Maybe the only people worthy of love are those who love indiscriminately, without denying to some what they give to others.

Thousands of candles can be lit by just one candle, and the life of that candle will not be shorter because of it. Happiness is never diminished by being shared.

And then comes the discourse on cats that are quite a treat to pet lovers of the feline variety!

So here goes Francesc Miralles -

A cat in your home is a reminder that you must always pay attention. We frequently miss opportunities because we are not aware of them. Cats refine their senses, monitor their surroundings, and are alert to the smallest change. Theirs is a serene alertness, full of active patience. While resting they are attuned to the people around them, ready to act when necessary. Thanks to this watchfulness, events tend to turn out in their favor.

I mulled over other themes I could develop: a cat’s hygiene, its ability to disappear before a disagreeable turn of events, its almost supernatural intuition…

Cats are said to be selfish, but in reality they’re just smart. They won’t come to you if they can make you go to them. Their power resides in their apparent indifference. They prefer to let you love them than to put their feelings at risk by revealing them. Like the good Taoists that they are, they do without doing and rule without ruling. They limit themselves to keeping their dignity and acting according to their whims. They don’t go looking for love and therefore obtain it without asking. Dogs have a master. Cats have servants.

An uplifting, feel-good novel which is an unputdownable, must-read for anyone amongst us who needs their annual quota of inspiration for Y2020!

May we take some little resolve this new year to work on this butterfly effect!?

I mean, by doing some small random act of kindness: be it to a plant, a bird, an animal, a place (bioregion) or a person!

There then is the butterfly effect at work!

Yes! The idea of cause and effect!

Samuel just took some time to feed a stray cat, and how much difference it made to his monotonous existence!!! And the cat wrought about a transformation of the highest order in Samuel, to such intensity that he screams with excitement,

‘I leaped out of bed, fired by the conviction that I was the master of my own fate.’

Indeed, there’s charm in the lower case, there’s magic in the ordinary, and there’s such joy in tuning sweet to the little little finer aspects of life!

Why wait folks? Tune in sweet, to the lowercase mode!

Rightaway please! ;-)

Thank you and best wishes to ya! 

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