Topics for assignments for the following students who come under my purview:
Points to Note before you Ink: The essays should be about 12 to 15 pages in length, proofed, and well thought-out. I see these assignments as a chance for you to explore more thoroughly some of the topics we have discussed / we will be discussing in class. Also, when you write the essays, be sure to use examples from the text of the play. The Tempest, The Old Man and the Sea, Ransom of the Red Chief, Portrait of the Artist etc have some very usable quotes: use them to your advantage. I would like to see these on Monday 17 August in the Department on my table. No further extension is permissible under any circumstances.
Creativity, Neatness and Originality will be rewarded suitably. I would also like to add that I really enjoy reading your essays, and remember, you should be able to make a presentation in class, in about five minutes based on your assignment.
Paper: Practical Introduction to LiteratureChristina - How does the setting of the novel affect the characters and the plot, in Joyce's
Portrait of the Artist. Illustrate.
Gifty -
The Old Man and the Sea is generally considered by many to be Hemingway's crowning achievement. The work was especially praised for its depiction of a new dimension to the typical Hemingway hero, less macho and more respectful of life. Illustrate.
Jayanthi - What is the nature of Prospero and Miranda’s relationship in
The Tempest? Discuss moments where Miranda seems to be entirely dependent on her father and moments where she seems independent. How does Miranda’s character change over the course of the play?
Karan - Analyse humour and pathos in the essays of Charles Lamb with special reference to
Dream Children: A ReverieMercy - Discuss the predominant themes in the poetry of John Keats with a special allusion to
Ode on a Grecian Urn.Noeline - Discuss some of the innovative features that Hopkins has used in his poetry, with a special focus on
God's Grandeur.Sayujya - After Mark Twain and Edgar Allen Poe, William Sydney Porter is the most read author in the world and bears the title “master of the short story”. Two themes that are trademarks of William Sydney Porter’s stories are his reversal of the narrative and his reversal of a character’s nature. In simple terms Porter begins a story in one direction and just when the reader thinks they can predict the ending, he sends it in a totally different direction. Discuss this with reference to
Ransom of Red Chief.Shipporah -
The Old Man and the Sea is a magnificent story. At one level it is the tale of a man and a fish, at another, a story of man versus nature, at yet another, the story of the culture of manhood, courage, bravery in the face of existence, etc., Discuss any two of these themes with reference to the novella.
Stella - Discuss two major themes in Shakespeare's
The Tempest., and illustrate the use of Prospero's magic in this play. What is it for? How does he use it?
Sujatha, M - Throughout
The Old Man and the Sea, Santiago expresses his feelings about nature. Today, the protection of our natural environment is often in the news. Do some research on environmental issues and write an essay comparing Santiago’s attitude about nature to modern theories of environmentalism. Would Santiago be considered an environmentalist today?
Allan - Compare and contrast Stephen with some of the other boys and young men with whom he associates. How is he different from them? How does he feel about being different?
Ashish - Hemingway forces us to remember and acknowledge the individual, the struggle for the most basic existence, the battle with nature for survival itself. But most importantly he makes one acknowledge the importance of the individual and the magnificence of courage, skill, art and endurance. Discuss this thought with reference to
The Old Man and the SeaBlaisen - Estimate the personality of Lamb as revealed in "Dream Children: A Reverie". Also write a note on wit, humour and pathos in his essays.
Dhanashekar - Compare and contrast Stephen's perception of art with his perception of religion, family, school, or country, with reference to Joyce's
Portrait of the Artist. What makes art such an appealing escape for Stephen?
Juda - Keats handled various themes. His common method is to deal with controversial ones in one poem. Examples are dream/reality, joy/melancholy, ideal/reality, life/death etc. Discuss two of the major themes you find in the poetry of Keats. Also evaluate his conception of Beauty with reference to
Ode on a Grecian Urn.Santhi Swaroop - Perhaps the most famous aspect of A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man is Joyce's innovative use of stream of consciousness, a style in which the author directly transcribes the thoughts and sensations that go through a character's mind, rather than simply describing those sensations from the external standpoint of an observer. Discuss the development of Stephen's mind as portrayed by the author in
The Portrait of the Artist.Richard - Man can be destroyed, but not defeated. Discuss this axiom with reference to Hemingway's
The Old Man and the Sea. Also focus on one key aspect that you like about the novella.
Satchin - There is a claim that The Tempest is Shakespeare's allegorical farewell to the stage. In this construction, Prospero is seen as Shakespeare himself, and Prospero's farewell to his art is Shakespeare's final farewell to his London audiences. How might you strengthen this argument? How might you argue against it? (I'd suggest that you choose to be either for it or against it and argue on one side only.) Remember to use the text for support.
Siddharth - The themes in the stories' of Oscar Wilde include beauty, tragedy, agony, compassion, innocence, and (Platonic) love. Some characters give their lives, or sell their souls, in the name of love. Explain the philosophy of love described in
The Nightingale and the Rose, and give your comments on the same.
Thomas -
The Gettysburg Address is the most famous speech of U.S. President Abraham Lincoln and one of the most quoted speeches in United States history. Comment on the reasons behind the universal popularity of the speech.
Sreekanth - Shakespeare's Tempest lends itself to many different levels of meaning and interpretation. The play can be seen on a realistic plane as a tale of political power and social responsibility. It can be seen as allegory examining the growth of the human spirit. The Tempest investigates marriage, love, culture. It is symbolic of man's rational higher instincts verses his animal natural tendencies. This is a play of repentance, power, revenge and fate that can also be seen as fantasy, dream, imagination, metaphor or magic. Discuss any two themes choosing from the ones set forth above and illustrate its relevance to the modern context.