Wednesday 7 September 2011

The book "Rasselas" attracted her...

Jane was introduced to a new institution called “Lowood Institution”. The name of the institution and a verse written along with it made Jane think that there is some connection between the name and the verse. When she was thinking so, she heard a cough close behind her and turned her head. Jane saw a girl reading a book with the title “Rasselas”. This title struck Jane and also attracted her. That girl who was reading the book was Helen Burns. When Helen looked up, Jane did not see her as a stranger but started to converse with her. First, she spoke about the book in Helen’s hand and next asked about the institution. Their conversation continued for a long time about the issues relating to the institution. 

The reason for Jane to initiate the conversation with a stranger was, firstly, the book which attracted her. The next reason was, she wanted to know the connection between the name of the institution and the verse written on the stone over the door.

Observations on the character of Jane: Jane is a good natured girl. She was ill-treated by Mrs.Reed in front of all her cousins. Jane fell sick in the former days and was looked after by Mr.Lloyd who was a doctor. He felt pity for the sake of Jane but Mrs.Reed said bad things about Jane to Mr.Lloyd. Finally Bessie, servant of Mrs.Reed, told him that these allegations were not true. Looking at the character of Jane Eyre, here, we find that she was calm and obeyed Mrs.Reed. Even though she was asked to stay in the nursing room and not allowed to mingle with others, Jane did not mind it. She felt everything inside her heart, but did not show anything out.

In the course of her conversation, Jane was very much bothered about the things which are around her and she is eager to know her surroundings. In her first conversation itself, she tries to know fully about Helen Burns and her character. She is asking questions above questions, but Helen answers her quietly. So she likes Helen but when Helen was punished, she is made to think about her. From the above conversation we come to know that Jane was entirely different from others.

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