Tuesday 6 September 2011

Endurance factor played a role...

Here we can see how Jane Eyre starts off her conversation with Helen Burns. As it is said in the question, it is difficult to start a conversation. We usually have the starting trouble. Sometimes, it is not possible to know about the person first before initiating a talk. Some people are introverts and some extroverts. Only people who have the talent of socialising are usually seen to quickly start off any conversations.

But here the situation is different. It is not that Jane Eyre is feeling lonely, neither because she is a very socialised person that she is going and talking to Burns but according to me the real cause is different. I feel when Jane would have met her in class, she would have seen herself in her; how Jane used to get abused for anything and everything by Reeds, how Helen is getting scolded by her teacher etc. Helen was constantly getting abused in her class which made Jane remember her past in Gateshead. Helen is sent out of her class and even when she answered all questions, she was scolded for some other reasons.

Also, another thing which would have attracted Jane towards Helen may be Helen’s level of endurance. Jane who used to be very reactive for everything and also who used to be a very emotional girl is attracted to a girl who is opposite to her in character, a girl who has reasoning capacity, who is very patient and understanding and a girl with full Christian or religious understanding which was not there in Jane.

In the course of the conversation Jane learns to understand situations and to reason out and to be pro-active. She learns another lesson from Helen that “not to judge by appearances”.

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