Thursday 7 September 2017

Reminiscences on a Pretty Little Crow!

The Sagacious Crow (kindly watch the video that comes along, too!)

Having a cuppa filter coffee and sitting contemplatively at the Trivandrum airport this fine afternoon, I couldn’t help admire a sagacious and observant little crow carrying something precariously on her beak.

Soon, she put it down, and I was wondering if she’s gonna use this “Bingo!!!” to help build a DIY nestie for herself and her bestie!

But a minute’s gaze at her kinda acrobatics would make anyone wonder-amazed!

Here she was, - unmindful of all the fracas, the commotion, and the hullabaloo all around her, - carefully emptying the left-over contents of the “bingo” eats - potato chips, to be precise! - n taking her time, she carefully beaked it all up, one by one, one “beakie takie” at a time!

Well, she didn’t mind the trouble of emptying the contents - litttle by little - the wee littlest of little, or littloo little - that was within - although obstacles came her way all along, in the guise of humans n’ vehicles alike!

Having had her share of the “bingo,” and having satisfied herself, that she had 'beaked off her pack of Bingo to the lees,' she now quietly hops across, sprightly, happily, confidence personified, towards yet another packet of Lays - thrown down the window panes of a car by a careless little boy!

Well, indeed, as the saying goes, God speaks to us in any many ways!

16 August 2017

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