Wednesday 27 September 2023

"It tells people that they can trust you and depend on you!" ❤️

For A Life Without ‘Sorry’ & ‘Worry’

Tips to becoming an Effective ‘ADMIRER’

#alifewithoutexcuses ❤️

The Magical Seven for a Rewarding Academic Life!

In the very beginning of this academic year, I gave my classes, SEVEN tips for them to practice in the course of their brief academic programme in MCC!

Thought of sharing those lovely seven points here, on our blog as well!

You could be in a three-year UG Programme or in a two-year PG Programme. But remember it’s a very very short period of time!

Still, if you can follow these ‘ADMIRER’ tips, I’m sure you’d find them so fulfilling and rewarding in every way!

So here we go -

If you regard your academic programme in MCC as a journey, make sure you ‘map’ your ‘journey’, before you venture ahead.

Giving you some lovely ‘travel’ tips, that may be of immense use to you in the course of your academic journey.

I have mapped all the seven points under the mnemonic term, ADMIRER, to help you remember them easily.

The first and foremost thought is on –


Make sure you regularly make an appointment with your course teacher / class teacher / mentor, and also try to ensure that you honour your appointments with them.

Honouring your appointments increases your credibility and raises your value skyhigh! 

It tells people that they can trust and depend on you. In a way, it also shows that, you have great regard and respect for others and their time as well!

I was so happy to see this in action, today. Many of our students had promised to meet with me today during the coffee break time. And sharp at 10.20 am, I could see them all, at my office, waiting to meet me. Felt so joyous to see our students honouring their appointments.


Deadlines & Due Dates for Assignments / Seminars

Always ensure that you have pinned up all your deadlines & due dates [be it for your assignments/seminars/paper presentations], etc, and promise yourself that you’d stick to your deadlines all of the time!

If you’ve promised yourself that you would finish an assignment / paper for your course teacher, by Wednesday, 19th July 2023, make sure you honour your promise. 

Teachers have high regard and great admiration for students who finish their assignments much ahead of time.

When you fail to meet your deadlines, people will stop having any regard or respect for you, and consequently, you will also develop a low self-esteem. 

Meeting your deadlines means that you’re achieving your goals, whether big or small!

So happy to note that, most of our students are honouring their deadlines and due dates as regards their projects, coure work, etc. 

One of my students, Immanuel [MA English 2023] surprised me by submitting his entire MA Dissertation, in the last week of January 2023, itself, when he had a full two more months on him.


‘Map’ Your Journey

Mapping your Journey through the entire duration of your UG/PG Programme helps you in many ways. It can motivate you to achieve more, and it can also make your journey more joyous and exciting!

It also helps you to visualise the entire process from the beginning to the end of your journey in the respective UG/PG Programme, from a bird’s eye-view, and plan accordingly.


Idea about your destination!

When you have a good idea about your destination, it means you have a clear outcome in your mind, and chances are, you will enjoy every step of your journey.

It also makes your journey, ‘purpose-driven’, which will in turn give you great satisfaction and peace of mind.

In short, visualise your destination before you venture!


Routes to Take & Routes to Avoid!

As part of your academic life, there are quite a lot of routes to confuse you and to puzzle you! So it’s good to know the routes that you can take, and the routes that you should avoid!

Once you’ve taken the wrong route, remember, there’s no turning back for you anytime. It will lead you to a totally ‘undesired’ destination, where you feel completely strange, helpless and hopeless!

However, if you take the right route - again, there’s no turning back for you! You just keep progressing happily, joyfully, hopefully and enthusiastically, since you’re double sure that you’re on the right track, that will lead you to your desired destination.


Excuses Are A Strict NO! [No Sorry, No Worry!]

Every excuse that you make, takes you away and away from reaching your full potential.

By giving an excuse, you’re literally devaluing yourself, your skills, your talents, your abilities etc. So always ensure that you give no excuses, as much as possible, especially in the eleventh hour!

Added, people will slowly start avoiding you, when they find you giving excuses all of the time! 



Always ensure that you find yourself the right time to relax and to refuel yourself.

In short, make sure you have enough ‘petrol’ in your tank to have a seamless journey ahead!

Find activities that can help you restore your energy and vitality.

It could be

Taking a solitary walk down a quiet pathway!

Playing some good outdoor games

Listening to therapeutic music

Practicing meditation, yoga, exercises, etc.

Doodling / painting / sketching/ creating art

Reading good books, periodicals, newspapers etc.


1. Schedule some downtime every day: Write a daily diary! Read your newspaper first thing every morning!

2. Practice a Digital Detox! Leave the mobile phone off at least 8 - 10 hours a day. You'll be surprised at the extra time you have.

3. Always have a very enthusiastic, positive approach to life. Appreciate and encourage your friends / peers you meet in your journey, and make sure you never speak ill of anyone, anytime! Never envy anyone for their skills or talents! That way, you are undermining your capabilities and potential!

I’m sure you’d become a great ADMIRER in no time!

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