Friday 10 August 2007

I BSc Pb&Pbt / Zoo Class - The Charmer and the Charmed..!

Every IV and VI DO will be time for Group Events in class. 

Yesterday, going by any indication, the Quiz, albeit a bit on the tougher side was cracked with consummate ease by a few groups, and kudos to them. 

Hopeland, demonstrated the Scorpion's stings and its structure with the help of a live scorpion. 

The sting of the scorpions is neurotoxic affecting the nervous system, and they are photophobic, and hence most of the time, they come out only during nights. Hence, we find most of the stings, nearly 75% are during the nights. 

The feel of the sting is like, getting a blow from a hammer. It's venom potential equals a cobra's. Once the venom is exhausted, it is expensive in terms of energy to produce it. A revelation to many indeed!

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