Tuesday 13 July 2021

To say disagreeable things [when agreeable are at hand] is like eating unripe fruit when there is ripe!

The Elderly vis-à-vis the Youth! 💜

Former DGP, Shri Natraj IPS, writes a regular column in the Youth Supplement of Dinamani, every week!

This week, his feature focusses on the Elderly vis-à-vis the Youth!

Though caught up on a kinda little hectic schedule lined up for today, me thought I should still somehow squeeze in some little time on me, to translate (at least portions of this lovely article), for a wider reach and inspiration!  

So here goes a few lovely excerpts from the article for all of us –

Shri R. Natraj, IPS - 👇

Poets have glorified and celebrated youthhood as,

Youthhood is forever sweetness!

I worship you, oh youthhood, etc.

In fact, youthhood vanishes as quick as a ray of light!

Before that happens, we should try to develop our skills and talents, and nurture good qualities in us.

The good qualities that we have so developed should be manifested in the ways we talk, and interact with others.

The sage poet Thiruvalluvar, emphasizing on this aspect of nurturing pleasant words and  avoiding bad words, says in his famous couplet No.100,

இனிய உளவாக இன்னாத கூறல்

கனிஇருப்பக் காய்கவர்ந் தற்று,

which means,

To say disagreeable things [when agreeable are at hand] is like eating unripe fruit when there is ripe!

However, in practice, they use bad and unpleasant words without a tinge of guilt or shame on them!

This was also evidenced during the recent elections, when some young politicians used such words during their election rallies, which could be termed the heights of crudity and lack of culture!

Still worse are the movies!

By showing scenes that have people indulging in name-calling the elders, [like calling Amma as kizhavi, and elders as ‘perusu’,] and by using inappropriate dialogues that are replete with swear words, and by portraying scenes that show one’s parents being beaten, the directors usually pride themselves by claiming that they are portraying a realistic feel to their films!

What’s still more worse here is that, such films bag the coveted awards given by the government, and the hero in turn, gets the National Best Actor Award!

Scenes that destroy society, thus get validated, and sow the seeds for further destruction!

Those who are supposed to lead the youngsters, should act responsibly, and weigh their words before they use them!

Giving respect to elders, showing love to all living creatures, behaving honourably with women, talking in a gentle manner, obeying the rules and laws of the land, avoiding negative criticism – all these qualities are ornaments that enhance the beauty of a person’s appearance and demeanour!

The population of India is 132 crores, out of which 65% are youngsters, which is approximately 70 crores!

As regards population, America comes third, next only to China and India. Its population is just 40 crores! Half of the ‘youth population’ in India would be equal to the entire population of America.

The average lifespan of the people in America in Europe keeps increasing! Among the labourers in America, one among every four is above the age of 55!

With the advances in the world of medicine, the life expectancy in 33 nations has increased to 80 years!

Today, 11 % of the world’s population, [or around 70 crore people] are above 60 years of age.

And in the coming years - by the year 2050 - it is estimated to increase to 22%.

For the first time ever in the history of humankind, the elderly [above age 60] would have overtaken the population of children!

Statistical reports from the UN reveal that, in the 60-plus category, women are more in number, and in the 80-plus category - women happen to be twice the number of menfolk!

The ageing population of the world would automatically be reflected in the socio-economic growth! Hence, a series of problems connected with the elderly, like - their medical needs, their security concerns, the workload that they can reasonably endure, their salary, the compensation to be given to them in case of unforeseen circumstances at their workplace, fixation of pension benefits, etc should be taken into consideration.

Since the youth of today would be the elderly of tomorrow, it is important to have an awareness concerning the problems faced by the elderly.

In South-East Asian nations like Korea, Japan, Vietnam etc, the elderly are extolled and celebrated. They are given their rightful respect and honour. We also have such a culture in our nation. On completion of 60 years and 80 years respectively, they have festivities taken out in their honour! But with the passage of time, even this ritual is gradually fading into oblivion!

West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh top the list in the homes for abandoned widows. Such a brutality happens in all the States across India. More than 50% of such cases don’t come to our attention at all!

Research done by voluntary organisations reveals that the elderly silently endure such harsh realities.

Poverty is a dreaded disease! Poverty in old age is still worse! In villages, the elderly are taken care of, to an extent. In the cities, the situation is alarming! There are countless complaints of discourteous behaviour, and improper treatment of the elderly...

[To be continued, when I find some more time. For now, please continue reading this article in today’s Dinamani, Tamil morninger.] 🙏

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