Monday 16 October 2023

Importance of Evaluating Yourself! ❤️

Self-Evaluation | Is it Really Necessary?

& Can students evaluate themselves?


16 October 2023

The Hindu | Education Plus

Today’s The Hindu has an article by Prof. Viney Kirpal, former Professor of English, IIT Bombay, titled, “Evaluate Yourself”.

The article highlights the importance of self-actualisation.

So what is self-actualisation?

Self-actualization, according to Maslow, is the full realization of one’s personal potential. It is considered the highest level of psychological development, and hence the final stage of one’s growth.

So how do you grow?

You grow by identifying your own milestones and achieving them one by one. No one needs to tell you what to do and how to do it. You assess your own progress and plan your professional development as you strive for various accomplishments.

Anyone who’s recently done self-evaluation?

Yes. Neeraj Chopra and P. V. Sindhu are individuals who have dedicated themselves to self-evaluation.

How do they do a self-evaluation?

Simple. They evaluate their performance, identify weaknesses, get trained by coaches, and move to the next tournament.

How do we start on our self-evaluation?

Well, self-evaluation comes from an internal motivation to grow from point A to point B to point C and reach heights beyond one’s current capacity.

Can students evaluate themselves?

Yes, they can. Using the criteria given below.

PS: For more on Maslow and his take on self-actualisation, you may want to read our past blog post HERE.

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