Friday 27 October 2023

“Feel Proud of My Research, Sir”

Does India’s medical profession operate on a ‘paternalistic medical model’?

Medical Boards’ Blindspots

“Feel proud of my research, sir”

Times of India | Today’s Editorial

27th October 2023

#newspaperinlearning, #upsc, #medicalprofession

Today’s Times of India, carries a ‘structured’ and highly thought-provoking article -  which is also a rejoinder to the recent Supreme Court judgment - and the consequences of ‘forcing women to continue an unwanted pregnancy’.

Firstly, the article foregrounds a problem. The problem is –

The Continued Neglect of Mental Health in India.

The writers of this feature article, are policy experts working on issues of gender, violence and health.

Secondly, the article then outlines the blindspots in the medical boards –

Where the overriding concern is for the foetus and not the pregnant individual’s mind and body.

Thirdly, the writers make a shocking claim, that –

India’s medical profession operates on a ‘paternalistic medical model’.

Finally, the writers put forth possible solutions, as the ‘need of the hour’.

Doctors should be trained on procedures related to late abortions, and should be made aware of scientific evidence on the impact of forcing a person to continue an unwanted pregnancy.

Medical professional’s education should include understanding the concept of reproductive rights and agency of an individual to decide what suits best. Forced pregnancy and motherhood should be considered a form of cruel and degrading treatment, and rejected,

say the writers.

In this regard, I am so proud to congratulate and appreciate Ms. Maanini Jayal, one of our vibrant past students, who has submitted her PhD thesis recently, [in VIT-Chennai Campus], working on the theme of ‘reproductive rights’.

Her research focusses on the importance of representation of women’s personal problems such as reproductive and sexual choices, and the political and social circumstances that use ‘certain strategies’ of control to exploit women’s sexual and reproductive  capacity under the pretext of social responsibility.

I am so proud to say that I was member of her Doctoral Committee as well.

On the morning of 8th March 2023, at 6.25 am, [Coincidentally, on International Women's Day] she sent me a link to an insightful article on “Why gender equality won’t be achieved for 300 years”.

Then followed her lovely message –

“This adds more to the importance and need for research and actions against women's oppression to ensure women's empowerment sir... feel proud of my research sir.”

This message was such a joy and a delight, since, this is for the very first time, I am hearing from a researcher telling me how proud she felt of her research!

We are so proud of you dear Maanini. 

Maanini is now working as a Professor of English in Bangalore.

More power to you, dear Maanini.

PS: You might want to read an exclusive article written by Maanini in our blog, on our past post HERE.

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