Tuesday 20 August 2024

‘Interact with Alumni Studying Abroad’ Episode # 4 - Invite

20th August 2024

Dear Students,

Sub: Invite for ‘Interact with Alumni Studying Abroad’ Episode # 4 – Reg.

We cordially invite you for a Zoom Meet with Mr. Renjith Mathew Roy, [Alumnus of the Department of Physics] on Friday, 23rd August 2024, at 7 pm, via Zoom Meet, as part of our ‘Interact with MCC Alumni Studying Abroad’ Series.

Mr. Renjith will be giving you an orientation on the entire process of studying abroad, and finding the right kind of placement abroad.


Meeting ID: 318 619 2180

Passcode: chemistry

You can interact with Mr. Renjith during the Q & A Session and have all your doubts clarified on the occasion.

Best wishes,

Dean of International Programmes


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