Sunday 4 August 2024

The Debate, Oratory & Elocution Club & The Power of Students to Make a Difference! ❤️

04 August 2001 | DOE on Diary


PG Days | This day, 23 years ago

The DOE Club, [Debate, Oratory, Elocution] that started off on a very simple and humble scale, around four years ago, in the year 1996, by a vibrant band of UG Literature students, [that includes me as well, if I may humbly say so] 😊 had by now started bearing fruit!

Again, this was possible only because of the sustained, coordinated efforts from all stakeholders involved!

Yes, the astounding success of DOE was made possible only because of sustained efforts towards consistency.

For the past four years we had nurtured and nourished this club by meeting every week without a break, discussing and debating current issues, and doing a hat collection for our coffee and snacks, that slowly garnered huge crowds of students! 😊

That, I would say is - the power of youngsters to make a difference, just by stepping out of our comfort zones and daring to be different!

Coming back -

This particular day being a Saturday (and a holiday for the College), the activities of the DOE Club were planned for the morning session this once!

Prof. V. K. B (Boominathan) VKB as we call him, was also present, to put in a word about the Quiz Club, for which he was the Convener.

On seeing such an enthusiastic bevy of 25 students who had gathered in the Conference Hall to engage themselves in the activities of the Debate Oratory & Elocution Club, that too on a holiday, our Principal was so impressed, that he spontaneously promised us that he would meet all the expenses related to the conduct of the DOE Club from thence on!

All thanks to my lovely friends and classmates Bhuvaneswaran (we call him Bubu), James and Rajkumar who coordinated today’s DOE Club Meeting along with me, making it a grand success!

The takeaway from this post –

So yes, like Dr. Gautham had spoken yesterday from Oklahoma,

Life is all about seizing all available opportunities that come your way – opportunities that can help sharpen your skills – be it writing, speaking, debating, or oratory, – that can help you step outside of your comfort zone!

And when you do that, real growth happens! and stagnation vanishes!

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