Sunday 18 January 2009


Climate change has been identified as one of the biggest global threats of our time. Scientists agree that global warming and extreme climate phenomena can be increasingly attributed to human activity - in particular, heavy emission of greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, resulting from industrial processes.
Solutions to those pressing problems could lie in the rapidly growing ‘green economy’: environmentally sustainable enterprises, technological innovations (new sources of clean, renewable energy), energy efficiency measures, economic incentives for low-carbon choices, etc. How can youth contribute?
The World Bank and its Partners invite you to participate in -
The Essay Competition 2009 - inviting youth to share ideas on:
How does climate change affect you?How can you tackle climate change through youth-led solutions?
Eligibility: The International Essay Competition is open to all young people, students and non-students alike, between the ages of 18 and 25, from all countries of the world.
If you are older than 18 and younger than 25 on June 15, 2009, you are eligible to participate.
Submissions are accepted until February 22, 2009.
For more details you can visit their website HERE.

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